Hello World!

Hello! I've wanted to start this blog for a while, and as it is a brand new month, I have decided to take the leap. My hope for this blog is that it will be an inspiration to girls who are both interested in pursuing an occupation in or are currently majoring in technology!

I am a first year, computer science major who is attending university in the UK. My sister, who is enrolled at a college in the states, is also a computer science major who runs the blog justcoderthings. Together, we hope to provide an accurate view of what it is like to be a woman in a technology-related major, and compare the differences of studying in the US vs the UK.

We will be posting study and motivational tips as well as posts about how to succeed and thrive in the technology world! We will be posting bi-monthly, and we hope that you enjoy our content!

Watch for our first posts on Monday!


Stay Productive Over the Summer and Start the Semester Ahead!